if (FAT_RUNTIME) if (NOT HAVE_SSSE3) message(FATAL_ERROR "SSSE3 support required to build fat runtime") endif () if (NOT HAVE_AVX2) message(FATAL_ERROR "AVX2 support required to build fat runtime") endif () if (BUILD_AVX512 AND NOT HAVE_AVX512) message(FATAL_ERROR "AVX512 support requested but not supported") endif () else (NOT FAT_RUNTIME) if (NOT HAVE_AVX2) message(STATUS "Building without AVX2 support") endif () if (NOT HAVE_AVX512) message(STATUS "Building without AVX512 support") endif () #else (NOT FAT_RUNTIME) # if (NOT HAVE_SSSE3) # message(FATAL_ERROR "A minimum of SSSE3 compiler support is required") # endif () endif ()